Kim Clement Prophecy On Donald Trump

Kim Clement prophesying about Donald Trump 2007Clement says, 'I will raise up the Trump to be a trumpet and Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial rea.

Trump Prophecies


A famous oracle foresaw the election of Trump. Further, video of this oracle’s newest predictions have surfaced. They reveal something even more shocking for the 2020 election. This man has incredible divine powers. Moreover, he has 3 more predictions for listeners. You can’t miss this.

  • Servant of God Donald Trump will be reelected. He will be president for another term for another three years. There will never again be another democratic president.
  • Kim, prophesied the election of Donald Trump, the changes he’d make benefiting Israel, the whistle blower, the impeachment, the failure of the impeachment, the replacement of two supreme court justices, 100 percent accurate. He prophesied these prior to 2015, before Donald Trump even ran for President.
  • Lance Wallnau, a “prophetic” author and speaker who has promoted President Donald Trump as God-ordained, delivered a “2020 Prophecy” message to his followers via a Facebook livestream on New Year’s Day. Wallnau charged that Trump’s Christian critics are on the wrong side of a spiritual war between God and his angels and the demonic.
  • Kim Clement made a number of prophesies in 2007 and 2008 that later appeared to ring true about Donald Trump — but like Nostradamus and other well-known “seers” from the past, Kim’s prophecies require interpretation and can’t simply be proven truth or fiction with facts. First, a little background.

Kim Clement Is An Oracle

The Bible says that spiritual leaders can have prophetic wisdom. Further, many of them may have the ability to see the future. Well, this spiritual leader has a track record of making predictions that come true. He is no ordinary fortune teller. Moreover, his predictions are not obscure or vague. He says clearly what will happen and they have happened.

Prophecy On Donald Trump By Kim Clement

The only explanation for his accuracy and clarity is that he has divine power. Further, he is given visions of the future so that he can help humanity. Well, a seer like this lives among us. He is the prophet Kim Clement. Further, Clement uses his divine wisdom to help humanity. Overall, he is a beacon of light in our turbulent times.

President Trump And The Prophecy

President Trump has entered his third year as President. Further, this year might be his most difficult. To be clear, Trump has had a rocky start because of Pelosi and the Democrats. Above all, there is already talk about the upcoming 2020 re-election. It has become a new hot button issue.

Far-left candidates are already entering into the political arena. These liberals are very confident they can win. Further, they think they can sweep the government. To be clear, in the next election Democrats think they can gain all 3 branches of government.

Well, one famous oracle and spiritual leader has some troubling news for them. Kim Clement is the famous oracle with visions. Further, he already sees that the Democrats are over confident. It will ultimately doom them.

Kim Clement’s Predictions in 2007

Back in 2007, Kim Clement spoke at a religious service. It was located in Scottsdale, Arizona. The story was that Mr. Clement received a prophetic word that ran counter to everyone’s belief. It was both shocking and bewildering. Further, Clement from these prophetic visions learned that Trump would be the next President. He describes Trump as a trumpet. Moreover, he would be the mouthpiece for America. Further, he would serve the country.

It was a strange prophecy and vision. Trump was an underdog throughout the whole campaign. The other politicians underestimated him.

Months later through divine intervention, Clement received another prophecy. This prophecy was even more shocking than the first one. The vision was that Trump would be a two term president. To clarify, this all happened about a decade before Trump was a candidate. Further, the prophecy said he would be a praying president. He would be a trumpet and praying.

The prophecy that Trump would be a praying President was confusing.

Clement says, “There will be a praying president, not a religious one. For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people. Yes, I will.”

Clement’s Prophecy of Hot Blood And Trumpet

Kim Clement Prophecy 2020 Election

Also in Clement’s prophecy was that Trump would have hot blood. Further, Trump’s hot blood would lead him to build walls of protection around the country. Moreover, the economy would change rapidly and flourish.

Some see this as the word of God acting through Clement. Further, the word is that Trump will serve America with two terms. He will be fueled with hot blood. Also, he carries a trumpet. Moreover, he will be a praying President.

Clement’s listeners say that Clement said that God would baptize Trump. Next, he would baptize him with the Holy Spirit and with power unlike anyone has ever known before.

To be clear, Clements prophecy was that Trump was hot-blooded. Further, he would carry a trumpet and pray. Clement recently passed away. He only saw the first part of the prophecy. His second part states that trump will get a second term. Further, he is prophesied to build a wall of protection abound the country.

Prophet kim clement prophecy on donald trump

Clements says, “I will raise up the Trump to be a trumpet and Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the church, says the Lord.”

Kim Clement Prophecy Trump Impeachment

Part of the second prophecy was for economic flourishing in America. It was about rapid change in the economy. Bill gates was prophesied to have some role in the economic prophecy.

Kim Clement’s Previous Predictions

Kim Clement has made some unbelievable predictions. He accurately forecasted many of America’s triumphs and tragedies. Some include the 9/11 terror attacks, the capture of Saddam Hussein, and the capture and execution of Osama Bin Laden.

He also correctly forecasted natural disasters. For example, he predicted Hurricane Katrina and the earthquake in Japan.

Moreover, he predicted the end of Muammar Gaddafi in Lybia.

Clement’s 2nd Trump Prophecy

Clement also states that the walls of protection around this country is an actual wall. It is not a metaphor for something else. Further, it is not Pelosi’s Normandy fencing. Also it’s not a technological wall. He believes it is an actual wall.

Clement’s prophecy has been living on through John Kilpatrick. He is the founder and pasted of Church of His Presence.

Mr. Kilpatrick has taken Clement’s prophetic message directly to the Democrats. He spoke to Pelosi and Schumer, on a radio broadcast. They are essentially the biggest opposition to President Trump.

The radio show was “The Baker Show”. On the show Kilpatrick essentially told them all that Clement had predicted. Further, he also told them that Trump has been prophesied to win re-election and build the wall. Further, the walls will bring protection and security to America for generations.

Kim Clement was an unbelievable person. He had special abilities that allowed him to foresee future events. Further, he developed an accurate record of predictions. Even after his death his predictions are still coming true. Thus, this is further evidence that Trump is leading us in the right direction. He is suppose to build the wall. Moreover, the economy should flourish. Next he will be rewarded with a second term.

Prophecy About Trump 2nd Term

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