Virgo And The Bible

VIRGO (AUGUST 23 – SEPTEMBER 22) Hebrew: Bethulah, “the virgin” Bible references: Isaiah 7; Revelation 12-13. Virgo is represented by the figure of a woman. Who is the most famous virgin in the stories of Christianity? The Virgin Mary! It is through Mary that the world, and all to come and accept this faith, was gifted Jesus. Virgo is the second largest constellation in the sky, and it is the only female figure within the zodiacal constellations. Virgo is not a particularly bright. Although the Bible does not use the word astrology, it does refer to its practice. For example, the book of Daniel references astrologers serving at the court of King Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2:27, 4:7). As one would expect, the belief that anything other than the true. Al Zimach – means “the Branch”, see Isaiah 4:2; 11:1, Jer. 3:8; 6:12 this is the brightest star in Virgo “the virgin”! Virgo symbolizes a virgin. In the first part of the Gospel story, the virgin Marry gives birth to Jesus Christ. One of the stars of Virgo is named Al Zimach, which means “branch.”. Virgo symbolizes a virgin. In the first part of the Gospel story, the virgin Marry gives birth to Jesus Christ. One of the stars of Virgo is named Al Zimach, which means “branch.” Jesus is “the branch” that bears fruit as seen in Galatians 5. This means that Jesus teaches all unbelievers about the fruits of the Spirit.

Have you ever stopped to wonder what it is exactly that makes Virgos so unique?

Virgos can sometimes be stereotyped as nothing more than fussy perfectionists but the truth of the matter is there is a lot more to the Virgo personality than often meets the eye.

So to give you a better understanding of what it truly means to be a Virgo lets examine this sign a bit more closely by taking a look at 21 distinctly Virgo personality traits and characteristics.

1. Virgo doesn’t just talk about it… they do it.

Virgos aren’t ‘all talk no action’ types. When they decide that they are going to do something you better believe that they are going to work at it until they make it happen.

They are goal setters with the determination and self discipline to persevere when things get tough allowing them to achieve just about anything that they put their mind to.

2. Virgo has an analytical mind that’s capable of finding solutions to tough problems.

Virgos have clever minds and a keen attention to detail that allows them find solutions to problems that others simply miss.

They are able to break down seemingly impossible problems into small and workable parts and then come up with a solution that actually works.

3. Virgo gets frustrated by incompetence and stupidity.

The Virgo isn’t the most patient person in the world when it comes to dealing with downright incompetence and stupidity.

Sometimes they just need to take deep breathe and count to ten… not everyone in the world can be rocket scientist.

4. Virgos are sensitive and emotional… even if they don’t show it.

Although you probably wouldn’t guess it just by looking at them the Virgo can be quite sensitive and emotional deep down.

Sometimes things get to them more than most people realize but they can refuse to talk about it for fear of burdening others with their problems.

5. Virgo is a perfectionist… sometimes to a fault.

Virgos are notorious perfectionists who figure that if they’re gonna do something they might as well do it right. They set high standards for themselves and are constantly pushing themselves to achieve at higher and higher levels.


Sometimes they can be a little too hard on themselves however working themselves into in a state of stress unnecessarily.

6. Virgo has a hidden wild side that only a lucky few see.

For the most part the Virgo tends to be one of the more reserved signs of the zodiac but every now and then when the mood strikes them they have a tendency to let their hair down and go a bit wild.

Being around good friends that they feel at ease around often tends to bring out this side of them.

7. Virgos are born skeptics who don’t believe something until they see it for themself.

The Virgo is not the type to rely on the gossip and hearsay of others and they prefer to base their reasoning on facts and concrete evidence.

They’re born skeptics and independent thinkers who like to come to their own conclusion about things.

8. Virgos have strong opinions and they aren’t afraid to voice them.

Virgos tend to be strong-minded and as a result they can be rather opinionated individuals who also aren’t afraid to make their opinions known.

They aren’t easily influence by herd mentality and firmly stick by their convictions and ideas.

9. Virgos are worriers and over-thinkers.

Sometimes Virgo can be a real stress head over thinking and over analyzing every little thing. Their minds are constantly going and it can lead to them burning themselves out.

They need to remember to take breaks from their busy lives and give their mind time to rest if they want to stay sane in the long run.

10. Virgo is a lover not a fighter and they generally try to avoid confrontation.

The Virgo does not go out of their way to start conflict and they are much more of a lover than a fighter by nature.

They are good at verbally diffusing a potentially heated situation before it can get out of hand.

11. However Virgo is NOT a pushover and knows how to stand their ground.

Virgo might be a pacifist but if you back them into a corner you better believe that they will stand their ground.

They are far from a pushover and they’re clever enough to put someone in their place with their words alone without having to resort to acts of aggression.

12. Virgo hates being lectured and judged.

If there’s one thing that sure to get to a Virgo it’s when others think they have the right to lecture and judge them on their decisions and life choices… to Virgo this is frankly none of their business.

They hate feeling interrogated or like people are criticizing their every move.

13. Virgo can be bossy but only in the name of getting shit DONE.

Virgos are known for their ability to be a bit bossy at times… some have been known to even call them a ‘slave driver’.

But there’s no denying that they have a remarkable ability to pull a team together and make stuff happen and it’s for this reason that they often wind up taking on leadership positions in life.

14. Virgo is attracted to confidence, ambition and intelligence.

Beauty and good looks are nice but if you don’t have anything else going for you then the Virgo will quickly get bored.

To really capture the Virgos attention you’ll need traits like ambition, confidence and perhaps most importantly of all: intelligence.

15. Virgo can sometimes come across as cold but the truth is they are just cautious about opening up.

Virgo can sometimes come across as cold and distant to those that they don’t know well but the truth is they are just cautious about opening up to people preferring to take their time to get to know a person first.

Virgo And The Bible

Before they can really open up to someone they must first learn to trust them.

Virgo And Leo Pictures In The Bible

16. Virgo can seem cool as a cucumber whilst simultaneously being on the verge of a total nervous breakdown.

Virgos can be deceptively calm and collected on the outside even when they’re an emotional wreck on the inside.

They’re not always good at reaching out for help and have a bad habit of bottling up their feelings and hiding them away.

17. Virgo stays organized and can’t stand clutter.

Virgos are systematic about things and they like to organize their lives to ensure that everything runs as smooth as possible.

They tend to be ‘clean freaks’ who find it hard to focus and get things done when they’re surrounded by mess and clutter.

18. Virgo is calculated and doesn’t make reckless decisions.

Unlike some of the more reckless signs in the zodiac the Virgo possesses strong characteristics and traits of rationality and common sense which prevent them from making stupid decisions on the spur of the moment.

The Virgo is extremely calculated in their approach to making important life decisions always making sure to weigh up all of the pros and cons first.

19. Virgo is modest and humble.

Although Virgos often tend to be high achievers they’re also extremely humble and low-key about their skills and abilities.

Sometimes they can be so modest that they have a hard to accepting praise and compliments.

20. Virgo is always working hard to improve their future.

The Virgo is always working towards building a better future for themselves and their loved ones in one way or another.

They are constantly thinking about the future and making plans to turn their dreams into a reality.

21. As a friend Virgo is loyal til the end.

Virgos might take longer than other signs to open up but once you have gained their trust and friendship they are extremely loyal friends willing to stick by their mates even when things get rough.

The Virgo is the type of friend that you can count on to be there for you no matter what.

  1. The First Book. The Redeemer - His First Coming. 'The sufferings of Christ.'
    CHAPTER 1: VIRGO - The Virgin. A woman bearing a branch in her right hand and an ear of corn in her left. The promised seed of the woman:
    In this first sign of Virgo, the virgin, we find the truth of the statement given in Genesis 3:15:
    And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.”
    The name of this constellation is Bethulah, virgin in Hebrew, and in Arabic she is Adarah, the pure virgin. In the Greek, she is parthenos, again, virgin. In Genesis 3:15 she is presented only as being a woman, but in later prophecies, she is defined as being from the stock of Israel, the seed of Abraham, of the linage of David. Looking at some of these prophecies we see:
    Isaiah 7:13-14:Then Isaiah said, “Listen well, you royal family of David! Isn’t it enough to exhaust human patience? Must you exhaust the patience of my God as well? All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means ‘God is with us’).
    Matthew 1:23: “Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’”
    Isaiah 9:6-7:For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His government and its peace will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity. The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will make this happen!
    The brightest star in this constellation is in her hand, and bears the ancient Hebrew name, Tsemach or the Branch, and in ancient Arabic, Al Zimach meaning the branch. One of the great symbols used of, and spoken of by the prophets is the Branch. Some other stars in this constellation also have similar names, Al Azal and Subilon mean, the shoot, the ear of wheat. We find that the language of prophecy is identical with this sign. It is written:
    Isaiah 11:1-3: Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot— yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root. And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. He will delight in obeying the Lord. He will not judge by appearance nor make a decision based on hearsay.
    One of the stars in the branch is Al Mureddin which means 'who shall come down', or 'who shall have dominion.' This star also carries the Chaldee name Vindermaitrix which means 'the son' or the 'branch who comes.'
    Zechariah 6:12:Tell him, ‘This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Here is the man called the Branch. He will branch out from where he is and build the Temple of the Lord.

    • COMA: (The desired). The woman and child the desired of all nations (in the most ancient Zodiacs).
      The Egyptians called this sign 'Shes–nu' meaning 'the desired son'. The child has a Hebrew name 'Ihesu' with the signification, 'Ieza', which in Greek, is called 'CHRISTOS' or CHRIST! These are the very words used by the prophets, as it is written:
      Haggai 2:7: And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts. (King James version).
      Luke 2:40: There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.
      We see in Coma, the promised seed from woman, a virgin, is a boy, the desired one, nurtured and growing, waxing strong in the Spirit and wisdom of the LORD.
      The Zodiac in the Temple of Denderah, in Egypt, at least 4,000 years old, shows the figure of a woman and child, as shown above. But, the modern maps of the stars show instead a wig. This change was made by Ptolemy III in the third century B.C. The modern name is coma Berenice (the hair of Berenice).

    • CENTAURUS: (the Centaur with two natures holding a spear piercing a victim): The despised sin-offering.
      The brightest star in the fore–foot has come down to us by the ancient name of 'Toliman' which means 'the heretofore and the hereafter' which marks Him as 'the one which was, which is, and which is to come, the Almighty' [Revelation 1:8].
      Another name for this constellation or decan in ancient Hebrew is 'Asmeath', which means the sin–offering, speaking of Isaiah 53:10:
      But it was the Lord’s good plan to crush him and cause him grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have many descendants. He will enjoy a long life, and the Lord’s good plan will prosper in his hands.
      The Greek name of this decan is 'Cheiron', which means 'the pierced' or 'who pierces'.
      Zechariah 12:10:“Then I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on the family of David and on the people of Jerusalem. They will look on me whom they have pierced and mourn for him as for an only son. They will grieve bitterly for him as for a firstborn son who has died.
      John 19:36-37: These things happened in fulfillment of the Scriptures that say, “Not one of his bones will be broken,” and “They will look on the one they pierced.”
      The decan of Centaurus is one of the lowest constellations, that is, farthest south from the northern center. It is positioned directly ABOVE the constellation named Crux, or cross, or as we know it, the southern cross. This positioning prophesies EXACTLY, the METHOD of death of the despised sin offering, and EXACTLY HOW, he will destroy the enemy. There is NO guesswork here, you only need the eyes to see.
      So in Virgo, we see the promised seed, the man whose name is THE BRANCH, in Coma, we see the promised seed in the form of a son, the desired one, born of a virgin, and nourished and growing strong, filled with the Spirit and wisdom of God. In Centaurus, we see the man having two natures (God and man), the despised sin offering, the pierced one, positioned above the cross, showing the method of His death to come.

    • BOOTES: (A man walking bearing a branch called ARCTURUS meaning the same): The coming One with branch or simply 'He cometh'.
      The star in the tip of the spear in his right hand, is named in ancient Arabic, 'Al Katurops', which means 'the branch, treading underfoot'. The star just below his waist on his right side is called 'Mirac' or 'Mizar' or 'Izar'. Mirac means 'the coming forth, as an arrow'; Mizar or Izar means 'the preserver, guarding'. The star in his left calf is called 'Muphride' meaning 'who separates'. Could the 'spear' possibly have started out as a shepherd's staff? This get much more exciting when we realize that one of the constellations sitting adjacent to this one, is Ursa Major, erroneously called 'the great bear' and 'the big dipper'. Due to error and mistranslation, the great bear is really the 'Greater Sheepfold', and the same with the lesser bear or 'little dipper' which is the 'lessor' or smaller sheepfold. As indicated by some of the stars names in Ursa Major, such as : 'Mizar' or 'guarded or enclosed' [place] and 'Dubheh' meaning 'herd', or 'fold'. The Arabs still call this constellation 'Al Naish' or 'An–naish' meaning 'the ordered' or 'assembled together' as sheep in a fold. The book of Job refers to 'Arcturus and his sons' [Job 38:32] to Ash or Aish, and her progeny. The ancient Jewish commentators say that aish here, means, and refers to the seven stars of the Great Bear. This is exciting to me, as I immediately thought of Revelation 2:1. Who holds the seven stars? It is none other than the LORD, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Mashiach. The one foretold in the starry heavens by God Himself. Other star names in the decan of Bootes, the star in his head, is 'Nekkar' meaning 'the pierced' [recall Zechariah 12:10] or i's Hebrew name, 'Merga' meaning 'who bruises'. Finally, the sickle in his left hand shows he is reaping, or harvesting the fruit of his planting.
      March 21, 2008: A powerful gamma ray burst detected March 19th by NASA's Swift satellite has shattered the record for the most distant object that could be seen with the naked eye. It was estimated to have occurred at a distance of 7.5 billion light years away, when the previous most distant object to be visible to the unaided human eye was 2.9 million light years away. The burst was 2.5 million times more luminous than the most luminout supernova ever recorded, and this makes it the brightest object ever observed by humans in the universe. And it occurred in the constellation Bootes (the coming one).
      In summary, the constellation Virgo, along with her three decans, show the woman, a virgin, and the promised seed that will destroy the enemy. The virgin and her 'seed', the kernel of wheat that would fall to the ground and die for us, and in the subsequent decans, the promised son, the desire of all nations, he grows to manhood having two natures (one divine, one human), the despised of men, our sin offering, and in the last decan of Virgo, the coming One, the one who was pierced, the harvester of the righteous seed, the good shepherd, the High Priest. The coming one of the Revelation, who comes to harvest the Earth, and bring judgment to man.

Virgo Constellation And The Bible

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the New Living Translation of the Bible.

Virgo and the bible

On-Line Sources:

  • A Message in the Heavens by Joseph Herrin:

  • Bible

  • Bible

  • Biblical Astronomy: The Hebrew

  • Bootes - HE IS COMING!

  • Centaurus: The Witness of The Heavens Part 4 (video):

  • Constellation Names by John P. Pratt:


  • Day Four - Sun, Moon & Stars:

  • Enoch's Constellations Testify of Christ by John Pratt:

  • God's Message in the Stars:

  • Gospel and Astrology?

  • 'He calleth them all by their names' (Video on youtube):

  • Lion and Lamb : The Witness of The Heavens (video):

  • Logos in the Night:

  • Lost Constellation Testifies of Christ by John P.

  • Mazzaroth or the Constellations by Frances Rolleston:

  • Meaning of Zodiac Signs - video by Randall Niles:

  • Message From The Stars - The Mazzaroth:

  • Net

  • Review of Gospel in the Stars by John P. Pratt:

  • Signs in the Heavens - MP3 Download by Chuck Missler:

  • Signs in the Stars? by Lambert Dolphin Malcolm Bowden, Barry Setterfield and Helen Fryman:

  • Stars Video:

  • Summary of the meanings of the

  • The Constellations Testify of Christ by John P. Pratt:

  • The Gospel before the Bible:

  • The Gospel in the Stars by Frederick C. Kubicek:

  • The Gospel in the Stars by by John Ensworth:

  • The Mazzeroth, The Gospel in the Stars by Ken Lewis (video):

  • The Heavens Declare the Glory of God by P. Johnson:

  • The Meaning of the

  • The Message in the Mazzaroth by Evan Wiggs:

  • The Mystery of the Mazzaroth:

  • The Salvation Message Written in the

  • The Star Gospel:

  • The Star of

  • The Stars Also (Appendix 12 From The Companion Bible):

  • The Testimony of the Stars by Chuck Missler (audio mp3):

  • The Witness of The Heavens Part 5: BOOTES - The Coming One (video):

  • The Witness of the Stars by E. W. Bullinger:

  • The Witness of the Stars (introduction) by E.W. Bullinger:

  • The Zodiac Testifies of Christ by John P. Pratt:

  • What Does The Bible Say About Stars?:

Virgo Bible

Virgo Biblical Meaning

Off-Line Sources:

Virgo And The Bible

  • 'The Companion Bible' (1893) by E. W. Bullinger - Zondervan Publishing House

  • 'The Gospel in the Stars' (1882) by Joseph A. Seiss

  • 'The Witness of the Stars' (1893) by E. W. Bullinger - Zondervan Publishing House

  • 'The
    Defender's Study Bible' -World Bible Publishers

  • 'Unger's
    Bible Dictionary' - Merrill F. Unger - Thomas Nelson Publishers

  • 'Vine's
    Complete Expository Dictionary' - W. E. Vine - Thomas Nelson Publishers