Shakes And Fidget Toilet Key

Shakes & Fidget. Scrapbook Dungeons Stats Quests Monsters Raids Toilet THE TOWER Mirror Witch Demon Portal Fortress Shadow world Pets Underworld Dr. Shadow world Dungeon enemys (170) Continuous Loop of Idols Don't forget to hit them when hitting the subscribe button!%3. Continuous Loop of Idols Into the tube you wanna stare?

Shakes & Fidget CZ Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site FandomShop Fandom IG GalaxyQuest. Shakes & Fidget Private - Tower, Toilet, Witch - Browsergames - 12 Replies Tulyita's Script - version ALPHA - last update: Hello guys! I'm scripting Tower, Toilet and Witch. I'm not done yet.Toilet - You can flush the toilet and get item (33% epic chance).

Once again I come back to these forums. This time with a much more polished and complete idea for additional SF content.
Also once again I am sorry for writing in English. I do not know German and I think at least some of these ideas are worth considering.
So let's jump right into it.
Available from City Guard.
Under the work for city guard there would be a scroll. On this scroll each day there would be 10 to 12 mission to which we could assign Tower Followers.
Each day we can look through all the missions at once to see the rewards and make only 6 of them.
Wether you would send one follower per mission or all of them thats to consider.
The important thing is that they wouldn't fight, just bring the reward straight back away.
The access to the City Guard screen should be available always, but when we are on Tavern missions we should not be able to work for the Guard. (very simple).
Each mission gives only one reward, chosen from those below:
1) Experience
2) Gold
3) One Mushroom
4) Sack of Items – chance for random 1-2 items (you see them after you get them)
5) Beer – you drink and you get additional 20 points for Tavern missions on that day.
6) Beer Ticket – used would give us 3 next Beers in Tavern for free
7) Experience Potion – drink before mission – it gives double experience
8) Potion of Luck – gives 50% critical chance and increases gold gain for one mission
9) Faery Dust – can be used on toilet to increase the tank by 25 points.
10) Poker Room Ticket – see below
11) Map Fragment – see below
12) Crystal Ball Fragment – see below
13) Medal of Honor Fragment (getting three of these upgrade your new Medal of Honor by one and so you get additional +1 do statistics).
There would be one new event in the mix, which would change normal rewards in Tavern missions to those mentioned above.
After all nine scrolls will be unlocked the Witch will still take items.
After hitting 100% in the Witch on the next two days a random event is created.
There are two ways we can make this work.
Either this would not work on weekends or it could work on weekends and two events could be working at the same time (or one event with double rewards – like double chance for epics).
The Poker Room could be accessed from Armory – maybe by clicking on the Chicken?
This Room has two specific uses.
On the front there is a Shady Dealer.
He has 8 items. Those can be:
1) Normal items, but with higher values then in Magic Shop and Armory
2) Epic items
3) Any of items mentioned on the Rewards list above.
4) Best mount but lets say for 20-22 mushrooms
5) Special mount (also 50%) that increases slightly gained experience or gold (or something else)
However, the Shady Dealer shop changes only once a week on Wednesday.
You can also reroll the shop by giving Poker Room Ticket, which can be found on Bounties (Follower Missions).
The other option in Poker Room would be the Poker table in the back.
Each day you can play at the table just once. You have to pay a lot of gold to do so.
By playing you can gain nothing or something from the Reward list mentioned above.
There could be an option to use (only on the Poker Room) Potion of Luck from Magic Shop.
This Potion would work here normally for 3 days (and could stack like normal potions) and it would decrease a chance of loosing (meaning – not winning anything).
This would be an additional item on Hero Screen.
You could make this item (and after that upgrade it) with found Crystal Ball Fragments (that would also cost gold).
The Crystal Ball would increase your damage by percent value.
The more you upgrade it the bigger the bonus. BUT the Crystal Ball would only work on Dungeons.
What is this for?
The differences between monsters in 13th Floor Dungeon are dramatic. It's impossible to add new dungeon.
However with the introduction of Crystal Ball it would be possible to create new single and Guild Dungeons. (at least I hope so)
How many Fragments would be needed per upgrade and what would be the level requirement? Well, these things would have to be calculated.
They would be accessed from the Dungeons tab.
In short Crypts are an exact copy of single player Dungeons 1 to 13, but they work differently.
Each Dungeon has 10 stages and from the beginning we have on the screen first 9 dungeons.
Here it would be exactly the same – we would have the same 9 but this time Crypts.
In Crypts you do not have to find a key to a certain „crypt”. No, here it's more difficult – you must find the right amount of Map Fragments to create a Map to gain access to ONE stage in one dungeon.
When you do get access to a stage you can now try to complete it. However each stage works more like a Guild Dungeon that you would have to clear with your Tower Followers. I will explain this on an example
In first dungeon – Catacombs the first enemy was some kind of Spectre.
The new Crypt would imitate that. But when you enter you see let's say 10-20 enemies and the Spectre is the Boss of this stage.
The monsters would be powerfull and when you defeat one it is permamently dead and the rest heals.
So we gain access, enter and start fighting. We manage to kill the first enemy and wound the 2nd. Next time we try the first enemy is still dead, and we start off from the next one.
The reward system would work as in normal dungeons.
In Guild we have the following options:
I. Guild Dungeon II. Guild War
I propose adding additional two:
III. Loot Run
Accessed by Guild Master brings out a list of let's say 100 locations.
GM chooses one and after a couple of hours comes a guild fight similar to Guild Dungeon (of course the trip would cost a lot of gold) and requires guild members to join.
Now Playa would have to prepare 100 different fights. Some much more difficult then others. Each of them very specific and with specific rewards (see below).
BUT all of these fights would be connected to specific location names on random when the guild would be created. So every guild can experience different fight on the same location.
Of course once the location is cleared it stays that way.
But it's quite easy to push this further and after a year add another 100 locations.
At least half of locations should give only experience.
Now for other rewards:
1) Building upgrades (I will explain them in a section below).
2) Specific Boss fight that gives a stamp for scrapbook.
3) One reward for each party member (random unique item or potion or 50% mount)
IV. Holiday Runs
Also working like Guild Dungeon these would be rather easy to make, but the option for them would show up only on certain holidays.
So let's say around Christmas you could try this one for a week. It would reward mostly experience, sometimes unique item for each party member with a small chance of fighting unique boss like Santa (that would award a stamp for scrapbook).
So... Christmas? Haloween? Maybe some elementals for New Year? A lot of options here.
Access to a new screen from the guild section.
As I mentioned above doing Loot Runs would unlock new building – of course you have to build them first (some for schrooms). Let's see what we have here:
1) I think we can easily give 5 or with time even 10 new levels to Trainer and Treasury (the cost in schrooms does not have to get higher).
2) Stables – increases all bought mounts time by 1 day.
3) Headhunter Headquarters – each level of this one gives access to addition Guild Dungeon (after finishing number 50) – also easy to add at least 5 to 10.
4) Library – each level decreases stamps baseline by 100 in the Scrapbook (explained in Scrapbook section).
5) Fortifications – each level increases Guild members statistics by 10 during Guild Wars, Dungeons and so on.
6) Farm – on the first day of each month gives all Guild members one schroom.
7) Armory – gives all guild members additional item slot.
8) Sherif's office – increases slightly gold reward on City Guard.
9) Museum – just looks nice (with a ton of schrooms get a gold guild screen )
1700 stamps we have right now in Scrapbook.
20-30 stamps are from Toilet.
100 new we got from Tower.
130 new stamps from Crypts (with simple recoloring).
40-60 new stamps would come from single and Guild Dungeons (with Crystal Ball).
So it would be possible to push the limit to 2000 stamps, I think even more.
With the addition of Library for each level of this building the baseline would decrease by 100 stamps.
So let's say we do have 2000 stamps. If we have all of them, then we get 100% more experience on missions.
With one Library upgrade you would only need 1900 stamps to get 100%.
So with 10 levels of Library you need only 1000 stamps for 100%, but all counts so when you get 2000 stamps you get 200% bonus.
So that's it. There's a lot of stuff here and quite some changes. Some of you might be against it. But the truth is the game is ending. People have almost cleared all dungeons. Leveling the character and toilet takes ages now.
If this game is supposed to go on we need a bunch of new stuff.... and here it is.
The achievements in Shakes & Fidget grant big bonuses to the attributes if you know how to get them. Here you get to know the tricks so that you can get to all achievements as quickly as possible.

On May 24, 2017 the browser game Shakes & Fidget has said goodbye to the eight medals so far. These were replaced by 80 achievements, which can now be viewed in the scrapbook (to be found in the magic shop from level 10). The best tips to unlock all 80 achievements are described in this post.

The old medals were awarded quite passively, by simply progressing in the game, they were upgraded until a maximum of +12 skill points on all attributes (so +96 on all attributes at maximum). The bonus for achievements can still be partially achieved passively, but for others you have to actively do something to dust off the bonuses. For each achievment unlocked the character is awarded +5 skill points on all attributes (so now a maximum of +400 skill points on all attributes). With this and many other changes to the game, some dungeons should be much easier to clear.

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Finally 18

Reach level 18


Visit all locations in one day

Hint: Each quest in the tavern takes place in a specific area.

There are 21 areas in total:

  • Black Forest
  • Black Water Swamp
  • Busted Lands
  • Erogenion
  • Evernight Forest
  • Flooded Caldwell
  • Gnarogrim
  • Maerwynn
  • Magmaron
  • Moldy Forest
  • Nevermoor
  • Northrunt
  • Plains of Oz'Korr
  • Rotten Lands
  • Shadowrock Mountain
  • Skull Island
  • Split Canyon
  • Sprawling Jungle
  • Sunburn Desert
  • Stumble Steppe
  • Tusk Mountain

Dragon Rider

Dragon Griffin or Griffin Dragon mount


24 hours without equipment

Hint: At the beginning you do not have many items, so you can put them in your backpack more easily. You should be able to win the level 10 quests without a weapon.

Ri-off Rip-off

Beat the Gambler 3 times in a row

Hint: Spend as much gold as possible in advance and then always set the minimum amount. Which hat you choose does not matter. Whether you win is pure luck.

Heavy Spinner

Spin the Wheel 20 times in one day

Hint: You can not only spin for a mushroom, but also for 10 lucky coins. So you need a total of 190 lucky coins, because the first time spinning per day is free.

Square Eyes

Collect 1,000 Lucky Coins

Hint: You can get lucky coins by watching videos in the tube.

Lucky Fellow

Find 100 mushrooms on quests


Raid 100 fortresses


Win 10 arena fights in one day

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Song of the Blacksmith

Hoard 10,000 arcane resources

Hint: Crystals are gained by dismantling items at the blacksmith. You unlock the blacksmith with level 90. For Epics you get a lot of crystals.

Sky is the Limit

Improve an item 10 times


Mine 100 things

Hint: Until level ~ 150, keep the mine at level 1. This way, the time of the gem search is significantly shortened.

Collecting Mania

Scrapbook 90% complete


Play for 1 year

For Seven Days

Play 7 days in a row

Always On

Play 30 days in a row


Be actively involved in a guild for 10 days

Hint: It only counts to participate in guild fights and to fight against the demon portal. Donations do not count!

Elite Guild

Reach 5,000 Guild Honor

Shakes And Fidget Toilet Keys

Hint: On older servers, just ask a guild with more than 5,000 honor if they are still looking for players.

Big Spender

Spend 10 mushrooms on personal guild skill

Shakes and fidget hack

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Reach level 100


Reach level 200

Tip of the Iceberg

Reach level 300


Reach level 400

Epic Superhero

Reach level 500


Gems in all equipped items

Black Gold

Wear 9 items with black gems

Hint: Black gems can only be found once a player in the guild has the knights hall at level 15. The chance to find them also depends on the knight's hall total levels in the guild.


Wear 6 items of the same set

Hint: Here you can check, which items form a set.

Epic Purist

Have only epics equipped

Hint: Warriors and Assassins must carry one Epic less than Mages, Scouts and Battle Mages for this achievement, because they also have one more item slot.

Epic Companions

Equip companions with epics only

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Alter Ego

Complete Magic Mirror

Hint: Mirror shards can be found from level 50 at tavern quests.


Wear only enchanted items

Hint: Enchantments can be purchased from the witch. She can be found by clicking on the inconspicuous book in the bookshelf at the magic shop.


Buy mushrooms from the dealer

Urgent Need

Find the Toilet Key

Hint: From level 100, WC keys can drop at quests. Keys can be hoarded and yet found again. Worth a consideration, since it is 25,000 gold selling price per key.

Shadow World Cruise

Defeat the first enemy in Shadow World

Hint: The key to the Shadow World is found at level 125 in the gem mine.

Pet Lover

Find the pet nest

Shakes And Fidget Toilet Key

Hint: From level 75, the pet nest can be found at quests in the tavern.

Pat Fattening

Feed pets 15 times in one day

Hint: The fact that the fruits are no longer stored in the inventory, this achievement should be much easier to unlock. Now you can save three fruits per element within five days and then feed everything at once.

Animal Trainer

Upgrade a pet to level 100

Hint: How to level the pets and which one to bring first to level 100, you will learn here.

Petshop Boy

Reach 5,000 Pet Honor


Find all pets

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Clear the Tower

Boss of Easteros

Clear Easteros (dungeon 14)

Dark Wanderer

Clear Demon Portal (single player)

Shadow Player

Clear Shadow World

Twister Tamer

Clear the Twister


Backpack fully upgraded and full

King of Kings

Reach 5,000 Fortress Honor

The Count

Upgrade all fortress buildings to level 15

The King

Fully upgrade all fortress buildings


Collect 'Em All

Collect all 49 previous achievements


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Upgrade all Underworld buildings to level 15

Big City

Upgrade all Underworld buildings to level 10

Small City

Upgrade all Underworld buildings to level 5

Gold Storage

25 million Gold mined

Soul Storage

25 million Souls reaped

Slaughterer of the Best

Shakes And Fidget Hack

Defeat rank 1 in your Underworld

Top 100 Topper

Defeat a top 100 hero in your Underworld

Top 1000 Topper

Defeat a top 1000 hero in your Underworld

Horror of Heroes

Defeat 1000 heroes in your Underworld

Time Hole

25 straight quests in your Time Machine

Hint: For 25 quests you have to save 200 thirst for adventure in the time machine.

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Academic Orders

Clear the Time-honored School of Magic (Shadow)

Shake & fidget game

Good vs. Evil

Clear the Hemorridor (Shadow)

Hint: The Hemorridor is the 17th dungeon in Shakes & Fidget.

Commentary Cracker

Clear the Continuoes Loop of Idols

Hint: The continuoes loop of idols is the 18th dungeon in the shadow world, where you have to compete against the images of well-known YouTubers.


Behead the Hydra with the decisive blow

Hint: The Hydra is the opponent of the pet of your guild.

Deep Mining Master

Upgrade Mine and Gold Pit to level 50

Special Agent

Complete 100 Daily Missions

Hint: Daily Missions can be found in the tavern to the right of the gambler pinned to the wall with a sword.

St. Nicholas

Unequip shoes and in inventory on December 6, 0:01

Reinvent the Wheel

Find the enhanced Wheel of Fortune

Hint: The enhanced Wheel of Fortune can be found at quests from level 95.

Second Screen

Play on different devices

Hint: You have to at least once logged in on different platforms, for example, with the smartphone app, the Steam application, through the browser and so on.

Day X

We'll let you know when the time has come.

Hint: This Achievement can be unlocked in various ways. The problem with that is, that you do not know exactly what you have to do for it.
Here are some examples of how players got this achievement:

  • Click New Goods in the weapon shop
  • Change the game language
  • Spin the wheel of fortune 20 times
  • Level up main attribute
  • Start a city guard shift
  • Finish quest

These are just examples. If one of these actions actually unlocks the achievement for you, can not be said with certainty.

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Rune Millionaire

Collect 1 Million Runes in the Arena Manager

Runes, runes, runes

Collect 1 Trillion Runes in the Arena Manager


Collect 1 Quintillion Runes in the Arena Manager

Stinking rich

Collect 1 Septillion Runes in the Arena Manager

Rune Master

Shakes And Fidget Private

Collect 1 Decillion Runes in the Arena Manager

Arena Manager

Upgrade all attractions of the Arena Manager to level 25

Hint: For a complete overview of the Arena Manager, check out our guide.


Find the Holy Grail

Hint: The Holy Grail can be found from level 85. More information here.

Door Opener

Open all doors of the Advent calendar

Hint: The advent calendar can be found in the tavern during december.


Defeat the Nordic Gods

Shake & Fidget Game


Shakes And Fidget Wiki

Defeat the Nordic Gods (Shadow)